Wednesday, June 29, 2011

A rough patch


I was sucked into a giant clothes dryer that tumbled me, tossed me, turned me inside out.

There was rage, bitterness, panic.

I couldn't linger there for long, though. I had to find a new job.

It quickly became apparent that no one in the Upstate was looking for anyone with my particular skill set.

And, as newspapers nationwide continued to slash their staffs, I decided the smart thing to do would be to find another field.

Research indicated that healthcare was the way to go. I settled on billing and coding, because it was taught at Greenville Tech, was a fairly short program, and, best of all, did not involve any bodily fluids.

Alas, one thing my instructors at Tech failed to mention was that you absolutely cannot get a job in the field without a minimum of two years experience.

Volunteer at a doctors' office, I was advised, and see if you can catch on as an employee there.

All very well, but I had a mortgage to pay and food to buy and cats to take care of, and I couldn't manage on unemployment with a volunteer job.

After a lot of agonizing I decided to sell my condo and move in with my Mom in the Atlanta area. I could look for a job there.

God, I was going to really miss Greenville!

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